import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def f(x):
return 3*x**2 - 4*x + 5
For Different Values Of x
¶xs = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
ys = f(xs)
plt.plot(xs, ys)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1647b75ac0>]
A derivative lets you figure out how fast something is changing by looking at how it's changing over a really, really, really tiny amount of time. It's like taking a super close-up picture of something and seeing how it's changing just between two tiny moments.
from IPython.display import display, Math
derivative = r"\frac{d}{dx} f(x) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}"
h = 0.000001
x = 2/3
(f(x + h) - f(x))/h
def d(a, b, c):
return a*b + c
h = 0.0001
# inputs
a = 2.0
b = -3.0
c = 10.0
d1 = d(a, b, c)
# find the derivative of d function wrt c by increasing c by a tiny amount
c += h
d2 = d(a, b, c)
print('d1', d1)
print('d2', d2)
print('slope', (d2 - d1)/h)
d1 4.0 d2 4.0001 slope 0.9999999999976694
h = 0.0001
# inputs
a = 2.0
b = -3.0
c = 10.0
d1 = d(a, b, c)
# find the derivative of d function wrt b by increasing b by a tiny amount
b += h
d2 = d(a, b, c)
print('d1', d1)
print('d2', d2)
print('slope', (d2 - d1)/h)
d1 4.0 d2 4.0002 slope 2.0000000000042206
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''): = data
self.grad = 0.0 # derivative of l with respect to the value
self._backward = lambda: None
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={})"
def __add__(self, other):
other = other if isinstance(other, Value) else Value(other)
out = Value( +, (self, other), '+')
def _backward():
self.grad += out.grad
other.grad += out.grad
out._backward = _backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
other = other if isinstance(other, Value) else Value(other)
out = Value( *, (self, other), '*')
def _backward():
self.grad += * out.grad
other.grad += * out.grad
out._backward = _backward
return out
def __pow__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, (int, float)), "only supporting int/float powers for now"
out = Value(**other, (self,), f'**{other}')
def _backward():
self.grad += (other ***(other-1)) * out.grad
out._backward = _backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x =
t = (math.exp(2 * x) - 1) / (math.exp(2 * x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self,), 'tanh')
def _backward():
self.grad += (1 - t ** 2) * out.grad
out._backward = _backward
return out
def relu(self):
out = Value(0 if < 0 else, (self,), 'ReLU')
def _backward():
self.grad += ( > 0) * out.grad
out._backward = _backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x =
t = (math.exp(2 * x) - 1) / (math.exp(2 * x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self,), 'tanh')
def _backward():
self.grad += (1 - t ** 2) * out.grad
out._backward = _backward
return out
def exp(self):
x =
out = Value(math.exp(x), (self, ), 'exp')
def _backward():
self.grad += * out.grad # NOTE: in the video I incorrectly used = instead of +=. Fixed here.
out._backward = _backward
return out
def backward(self):
# topological order all of the children in the graph
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
# go one variable at a time and apply the chain rule to get its gradient
self.grad = 1
for v in reversed(topo):
def __neg__(self): # -self
return self * -1
def __radd__(self, other): # other + self
return self + other
def __sub__(self, other): # self - other
return self + (-other)
def __rsub__(self, other): # other - self
return other + (-self)
def __rmul__(self, other): # other * self
return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other): # self / other
return self * other**-1
def __rtruediv__(self, other): # other / self
return other * self**-1
a = Value(2.0, label='a')
b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
c = Value(10.0, label='c')
e = a*b; e.label = 'e'
d = e + c; d.label = 'd'
f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
L = d * f; L.label = 'L'
from graphviz import Digraph
def trace(root):
# builds a set of all nodes and edges in a graph
nodes, edges = set(), set()
def build(v):
if v not in nodes:
for child in v._prev:
edges.add((child, v))
return nodes, edges
def draw_dot(root):
dot = Digraph(format='svg', graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR'}) # LR = left to right
nodes, edges = trace(root)
for n in nodes:
uid = str(id(n))
# for any value in the graph, create a rectangular ('record') node for it
dot.node(name=uid, label="{ %s | data %.4f | grad %.4f }" % (n.label,, n.grad), shape='record')
if n._op:
# if this value is a result of some operation, create an op node for it
dot.node(name=uid + n._op, label=n._op)
# and connect this node to it
dot.edge(uid + n._op, uid)
for n1, n2 in edges:
# connect n1 to the op node of n2
dot.edge(str(id(n1)), str(id(n2)) + n2._op)
return dot
Start here at the end and we're going to go reverse and calculate the gradient along all these intermediate values and really what we're computing for every single value here is the derivative of that node with respect to L
The derivative of L
with respect to L
is just 1
and then we're going to derive what is the derivative of L
with respect to f
, with respect to d
, with respect to c
with respect to e
, with respect to b
, and with respect to a
and in the neural network setting you'd be very interested in the derivative of basically this loss function L
with respect to the weights of a neural network and here of course we have just these variables a
, b
, c
and f
but some of these will eventually represent the weights of a neural net and so we'll need to know how those weights are impacting the loss function.
We're interested basically in the derivative of the output with respect to some of its leaf nodes and those leaf nodes will be the weights of the neural net and the other leaf nodes of course will be the data itself but usually we will not want or use the derivative of the loss function with respect to data because the data is fixed but the weights will be iterated on using the gradient information.
def lol():
h = 0.001
a = Value(2.0, label='a')
b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
c = Value(10.0, label='c')
e = a * b;
e.label = 'e'
d = e + c;
d.label = 'd'
f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
L = d * f;
L.label = 'L'
L1 =
a = Value(2.0, label='a')
b = Value(-3.0, label='b') += h
c = Value(10.0, label='c')
e = a * b;
e.label = 'e'
d = e + c;
d.label = 'd'
f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
L = d * f;
L.label = 'L'
L2 =
print((L2 - L1) / h)
display(Math(r"L = d*f"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {dL} = 1"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {df} = \frac {(d+h)*f - (d*f)} {h} = d"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {dd} = f"))
L.grad = 1.0
f.grad =
d.grad =
Gradient check is when we are deriving gradients using backpropagation and getting the derivative with respect to all the intermediate results.
Numerical gradient is just estimating it using small step size.
Now we're getting to the crux of backpropagation. So this will be the most important node to understand because if you understand the gradient for this node you understand all of backpropagation and all of training of neural nets basically.
So we need to derive dL
by dc
in other words the derivative of L
with respect to c
. How is L
sensitive to c so if we wiggle c
how does that impact L
We know how c
impacts d
and so just very intuitively if you know the impact that c
is having on d
and the impact d
is having on L
, we can calculate the impact of c
on L
display(Math(r"d = e+c"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dd} {dc} = \frac {(c+h) + e - (c+e)} {h} = 1.0"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {de} = 1.0"))
So, we know how L
impacts d
and now we know how c
and e
impact d
, how do we put that information together to write dl
by dc
and the answer of course is the chain rule in calculus.
If a variable z
depends on the variable y
, which itself depends on the variable x
(that is, y
and z
are dependent variables), then z
depends on x
as well, via the intermediate variable y
. In this case, the chain rule is expressed as:
display(Math(r"\frac {dz} {dx} = \frac {dz} {dy} * \frac {dy} {dx}"))
What it means for us is a really exactly the same thing:
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {dc} = \frac {dL} {dd} * \frac {dd} {dc}"))
c.grad = d.grad * 1
e.grad = d.grad * 1
Essentially the +
just directly routes the gradients back.
display(Math(r"e = a * b"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {da} = \frac {dL} {de} * \frac {de} {da}"))
display(Math(r"\frac {dL} {db} = \frac {dL} {de} * \frac {de} {db}"))
a.grad = e.grad *
b.grad = e.grad *
That's what back propagation is, just a recursive application of chain rule backwards through the computation graph.
Let's see this power in action just very briefly. What we're going to do is we're going to nudge our inputs to try to make L
go up. += 0.01 * a.grad += 0.01 * b.grad += 0.01 * c.grad += 0.01 * f.grad
# run the forward pass again
e = a * b
d = e + c
L = d * f
from IPython import display
So we want to eventually build up neural networks and in the simplest case these are multilateral perceptrons. This is a two layer neural net and it's got these hidden layers made up of neurons and these neurons are fully connected to each other. Biological neurons are very complicated devices but we have very simple mathematical models of a neuron, you have some inputs axis and then you have these synapses that have weights on them, the w's are weights and then the synapse interacts with the input to.
This neuron multiplicative so what flows to the cell body of this neuron is w times x but there's multiple inputs so there's many w times x's flowing into the cell body. The cell body has also like some bias so this is kind of like the inert innate sort of trigger (happiness) of this neuron so this bias can make it a bit more trigger happy or a bit less trigger happy regardless of the input.
Basically we're taking all the w times x of all the inputs adding the bias and then we take it through an activation function and this activation function is usually some kind of a squashing function like a sigmoid or tanh.
plt.plot(np.arange(-5,5,0.2), np.tanh(np.arange(-5,5,0.2))); plt.grid();
# inputs x1,x2
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
# weights w1,w2
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
# bias of the neuron
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
# x1*w1 + x2*w2 + b
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
o = n.tanh(); o.label = 'o'
display(Math(r"o = tanh(n)"))
display(Math(r"\frac {do} {dn} = 1 - tanh(n)^2"))
display(Math(r"\frac {do} {dn} = 1 - o^2"))
Let's get rid of doing backpropagation manually by implementing the backward
function for a whole expression graph. We have to make sure that the backward function calculates the gradients of a node only after calculating the gradients of all the nodes ahead of it in the graph. To do this we'll do a topological sort on the graph.
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
# inputs x1,x2
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
# weights w1,w2
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
# bias of the neuron
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
# x1*w1 + x2*w2 + b
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
# ----
e = (2*n).exp()
o = (e - 1) / (e + 1)
# ----
o.label = 'o'
import torch
x1 = torch.Tensor([2.0]).double() ; x1.requires_grad = True
x2 = torch.Tensor([0.0]).double() ; x2.requires_grad = True
w1 = torch.Tensor([-3.0]).double() ; w1.requires_grad = True
w2 = torch.Tensor([1.0]).double() ; w2.requires_grad = True
b = torch.Tensor([6.8813735870195432]).double() ; b.requires_grad = True
n = x1*w1 + x2*w2 + b
o = torch.tanh(n)
print('x2', x2.grad.item())
print('w2', w2.grad.item())
print('x1', x1.grad.item())
print('w1', w1.grad.item())
0.7071066904050358 --- x2 0.5000001283844369 w2 0.0 x1 -1.5000003851533106 w1 1.0000002567688737
So basically torch
can do what we did which is a special case when your tensors are all single element tensors. The big deal with PyTorch
is that everything is significantly more efficient because we are working with these tensor objects and we can do lots of operations in parallel on all of these tensors but otherwise what we've built very much agrees with the api of PyTorch
class Module:
def zero_grad(self):
for p in self.parameters():
p.grad = 0
def parameters(self):
return []
class Neuron(Module):
def __init__(self, nin, nonlin=True): # nin is the number of inputs to this neuron, our example has three inputs
self.w = [Value(random.uniform(-1,1)) for _ in range(nin)] # w is the weights for these inputs
self.b = Value(0) # bias controls the overall trigger happiness of this neuron
self.nonlin = nonlin
def __call__(self, x):
act = sum((wi*xi for wi,xi in zip(self.w, x)), self.b)
return act.relu() if self.nonlin else act
def parameters(self):
return self.w + [self.b]
def __repr__(self):
return f"{'ReLU' if self.nonlin else 'Linear'}Neuron({len(self.w)})"
class Layer(Module): # Layer is just a list of neurons
def __init__(self, nin, nout, **kwargs): # nout is the number of neurons in a Layer
self.neurons = [Neuron(nin, **kwargs) for _ in range(nout)]
def __call__(self, x):
out = [n(x) for n in self.neurons]
return out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out
def parameters(self):
return [p for n in self.neurons for p in n.parameters()]
def __repr__(self):
return f"Layer of [{', '.join(str(n) for n in self.neurons)}]"
class MLP(Module): # Layer feed into an MLP sequentially
def __init__(self, nin, nouts): # nouts is a list of the sizes of all the Layers that we want in our MLP
sz = [nin] + nouts
self.layers = [Layer(sz[i], sz[i+1], nonlin=i!=len(nouts)-1) for i in range(len(nouts))]
def __call__(self, x):
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x)
return x
def parameters(self):
return [p for layer in self.layers for p in layer.parameters()]
def __repr__(self):
return f"MLP of [{', '.join(str(layer) for layer in self.layers)}]"
x = [2.0, 3.0, -1.0]
n = MLP(3, [4, 4, 1])
xs = [
[2.0, 3.0, -1.0],
[3.0, -1.0, 0.5],
[0.5, 1.0, 1.0],
[1.0, 1.0, -1.0],
ys = [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0] # desired targets
ypred = [n(x) for x in xs]
[Value(data=0.5175318980563276), Value(data=0.5035516656057866), Value(data=0.1992187635752545), Value(data=0.19200404755000194)]
The first one is -0.36 but we'd like it to be one so we should push this one higher and similarly we'd want to adjust the remaining predictions as well. How do we make the neural net and how do we tune the weights to better predict the desired targets.
The trick used in deep learning to achieve this is to calculate a single number that somehow measures the total performance of your neural net and we call this single number the loss
The loss is a single number that we're going to define that basically measures how well the neural net is performing right now we have the intuitive sense that it's not performing very well. So, the loss will be high and we'll want to minimize the loss in this particular case what we're going to do is we're going to implement the mean squared error loss.
loss = sum((yout - ygt) ** 2 for ygt, yout in zip(ys, ypred))
The gradients on the input data are not that useful to us and that's because the input data seems to be not changeable.
In the gradient descent scheme we are thinking of the gradient as a vector pointing in the direction of increased loss and so in gradient descent we are modifying
data by a small step size in the direction of the gradient so the step size as an example could be like a very small number like 0.01.
num_cycles = 20
for k in range(num_cycles):
# forward pass
ypred = [n(x) for x in xs]
loss = sum((yout - ygt) ** 2 for ygt, yout in zip(ys, ypred))
# backward pass
for p in n.parameters():
# one of the most common bug while developing neural nets
# we need to make sure that we reset these gradients to zero so that when we do backward all of them start at zero and the actual backward pass accumulates them
p.grad = 0.0
the loss derivatives into the grads
# update
for p in n.parameters(): += -0.01 * p.grad
0 0.11832011527709294 1 0.11417681052240584 2 0.11027143730563282 3 0.106269781481659 4 0.10244766346102194 5 0.09865353670187882 6 0.09492791181761162 7 0.09134004461101422 8 0.08772623971249013 9 0.08433593022783775 10 0.08088983621120385 11 0.07761585022930426 12 0.07438070404238775 13 0.07123154090030628 14 0.06820558197668769 15 0.06518795943070937 16 0.06236848949480526 17 0.05951865866702462 18 0.05683920451412121 19 0.054193312325887685
[Value(data=1.1280609047338137), Value(data=-0.9414863019548612), Value(data=-0.9727950652871139), Value(data=0.8166158249112135)]